Saturday, June 16, 2007

A lesson in perspective

Avalanche Ranch was closed out yesterday - WAH HOO! Looking back we had a very successful run and things went rather smoothly. We had great staff to work with and everyone pitched in with as much as they could muster each day.

Interestingly to me, day 1 God is Real - Wah Hoo!, brought some behaviorial issues that I thought I might not see until day 2 God is present - Wah Hoo!, and in a moment of surprising clarity and insight my boss lifted my spirits. He asked me his usual yearly question - if I was "please with the day?" I responded "yes, but there were some behavioral challenges." He looked at me with a smile and said something along the lines of... When you have that many people together (150 +) are you really surprised that you'd have a few behavioral challenges?

He was right and I tried to put the "fires" we had to "put out" the rest of the week, from daily decorating and supply wrangling to personality conflicts and family emergencies to whatever in my mind in perspective and it worked.

I prayed really hard at the beginning of every day for the grace sufficient unto the day to get done what the Lord wanted, more than what I wanted. And at the end of the day prayed to be grateful for the joy that was present in the room and in the individual smiles from the kids and leaders and also for everyone getting home safe.

It was a good lesson in perspective - God's not my own.

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