Tuesday, June 12, 2007

It's official!

VBS has officially sucked my brain dry! I went to dial my home phone number and I couldn't remember what it was for a minute...this is so sad.

On the up side, Begs came by to deliver a much needed item for our Youth adventure program during VBS and lent her expertise, style and wit to the process, which added to the camaraderie of the event.

Also on the up side, we have some great people who have worked every night this week to create a fun and exciting space for our Avalanche Ranch buckaroos. Kudoo's to Barb, Beth and Jessica.

We have built so far this week, a roof top in Jericho, the river Jordan parted a la the Red Sea complete with fish watching us pass by with squishy water underfoot and squirting from above and now the town of Jericho that our kids will topple as the horn is sounded and they march around the "city", I use the term very loosely.

I wonder aloud every year, why I can't make the regular PSR year like this...I realized this year - it would kill us! So I'll take the largeness of VBS for the week, savour it and move into the world of real and doable, that is until next June!

(I tried to post some picts, but couldn't get them there.)

1 comment:

Bego said...

neat new look! it goes with all the other changes you are making (wink and smile).

So, I have a butt picture you can have, or you can grab the one off my 12 of 12. I usually post the humongous version so that when my mom clicks on it, she can have whatever size she wants. It's not my bandwidth, a selfish attitude, I know, but it gets her nice sized pictures.