Thursday, October 25, 2007

3 minute retreats

Greetings my fellow catechists - "echoers" of the Good News!

Go to they have short 3-minute prayer breaks you can take at your computer.

*If you enjoy the retreat and would like a new one e-mailed to you every morning, register as a member of Finding by clicking on join at the top of the screen. Select the Daily 3-Minute Retreat as a free subscription service at the time of registration. Each day a link to the a new retreat will be emailed to you and each day you’ll have a chance to spend three quit, meaningful minutes in focused reflection.

I hope you find these few minutes to be meaningful and rejuvenating.

P.S. How is reading the Bible and Catechism going for you? For me it's slow. but I'm creating another blog with helps and ideas hopefully later tonight. We haven't had a forum to share or discuss and I think it's been harder at least for me, to stay on task with it.

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