Sunday, August 19, 2007

Invitation to enrichment - Jn 8:31-32

"If you remain in My word, you will truly be My disciples, and you will know that truth, and the truth will set you free." (NAB) New American Bible

I was going through the handouts for the RCIA classes today and found amidst the usual Catholic Updates a beige pamphlet with this simple title printed in unassuming font: Read the Bible and the Catechism in a year.

It's put out by CHResources in Zanesville OH. When you get to their website you can get the down loadable PDF version or pay for a pamphlet. I chose the download
There is a forum listed on the site as well, but I'm probably going to just post my thoughts here and invite comments as we're not all local anymore, unless there's a better way to do it - yahoo groups? They - the pamphlet people say this can be done in about 30 mins a day and is sorted into monthly sections. They suggest an opening prayer and of course to have a Bible, any version you choose so long as it has the full Scriptures found in the Roman Catholic canon. It's not like I don't already live at the church. It's not like I have nothing else to prepare, search for, cook or clean, but I have to say something about this is really right, right now.

Maybe it was the simple layout of the pamphlet or the idea that anything in small doses is do-able or maybe the time is just right, but I really feel I'm being called to do this. So I'm nuts. And like misery, insanity loves company, so if any of you would like to do this with me - I'm going to be starting with the last section 337 Eze 40-21 Sir 36:1-14 Rev 5 and 2623-2636 of the CCC and work my way back down.
If it's meant for you as well, please walk with me.

P.S. for those of us who are in SPX area, if you'd like to meet at Kaiteur - that fabulous new coffee community cafe in North Rockdale - I'm up for it : )


Bego said...

So I accept the challenge and posted my ideas on my blog,, since I realized I had a bunch more to say than a couple of words.

I also have potentially pissed you off by linking here, but worry not, the traffic will mostly be from normal practicing Catholics.

Anonymous said...

I am definitely interested in doing this as well. I will start with the 337 section tonight. I'll try posting comments every now and then. Thank you for the's definitely something I've been seeking to do. Thanks again! -Chris (Miami)