Thursday, February 01, 2007

She must be getting better, she's getting cranky

Binks continues to improve, now waiting for the magic numbers on her blood thinner level to appear. She says she needs more skinny blood ; ) And her brain pain is lessening yeah; however, her blood pressure is still higher than they'd like it to be. We're moving steadily out of the danger zone, but need that blood to be thinned enough that it can get through the dissected ventricular brachial whatsit without fear of further blockage and clotting.

When the levels meet the exceptable "norms", then she gets to go home and boy is she ready! Not sure what her immediate local of "home" will be, but she's happy that's the next step.


Anonymous said...

hip hip hurray.

and thank God.

Anonymous said...

Great news! Let her know we are cheering her own from the sidelines and everyone is asking "Have you heard the latest? How is she today?" Thought I would add a website that might have some information to help understand all of this:

Linda G said...

I know much, much better.

And thanks I checked out the website, it was so helpful. I'll definitely include it in today's post.