Thursday, September 13, 2007

Red book magazine find

Give a look to the following link. marriage psycho 101

Its an article on the MSN front page, and I'd classify it as basic marriage psych 101, to which normally I'd say "yawn city" but I like that it was positive, real and gives practical advice.

The only part of course that is not included and is vital, is the concept of basic being married in the Church - through the readiness, openness and choice of the bride and groom - they participate in a sacrament and therein lies the true secret to success in a marriage...a taste of the divine love...of God himself.

Inviting God's continued presence into a marriage through taking time to include God in prayer together at home and Mass; praying for each other, thanking God for each other; and asking God to direct our marriages can transform what the article describes as potentially every day dull into the every day wonderful.

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