Monday, May 21, 2007

Anniversary at Sea

Today was our 12th wedding anniversary! We celebrated in a little goofy kind of way...we went to two movies,dinner and service. Movie, Shrek the Third then church then Communion to a friend who just had surgery dinner then movie, Spiderman 3.

We actually celebrated all weekend, spending the two days pretty much just us doing things together- heaven! Saturday, we went to a National Park, Ninety-Six in South Carolina where a Revolutionary War battle was fought. But, I think my favorite part of the day was praying Morning prayer (from the liturgy of the hours) with Jeff on the way out there. I started to cry I was so content in the moment. I thought my heart would burst from happiness!

It occured to me as he sat there praying with this friend and her son, that when I said "I do" 12 years ago, I didn't think I could love him any more than I did that day. I didn't think that we could share any more of ourselves, know each other any better. Oh but I've learned I can and we do.

Happy Anniversary my Love!
Thank you for the best 12 years of my life!!!

1 comment:

Bego said...

nice! felicidades!