Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Mixed bag 05

I was going though some of our pictures for a Longaberger show I'm doing tomorrow and here are some of the others I saw that I thought were cool. The cat does appear to be praying, Jeff really is sacked out at Longaberger, Flat Stanley did indeed go on the factory wine tour, Skeeters is a girl dog, and that castle is made of candy and chocolate (which everyone knows is it's own food group)!
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Bego said...

Hey, that's pretty cool.

And what the heck is a Longaberger show? Don't tell me you are selling the stuff? I have no mockery in me for that--I don't carry a purse; I can't imagine carrying a fruit basket in its stead.

Just sayin'.

Meanwhile, really dig the pictures.

Linda G said...

Yep, I'm an Independent Home Consultant with Longaberger. It's a change of pace, but uses many of the same skills I employ day to day.

I have the fruit on your head picture ala Carmen Miranda! Fabulous!