Sunday, January 28, 2007

Prayers Requested

My sister suffered what is being described as a small stroke last night.

All of a sudden she became dizzy, nauseous, couldn't keep her balance and was throwing up. We thought it was a migraine, but because this wasn't the usual attack Mom took her to the ER just in case. And it's a good thing she did too, a CT scan revealed something in her cerebellum that they think was a stroke, thus the balance issues. She goes in for a MRI today and then we see. She has to stay at the hospital for the next couple of days.

It's just to weird.

Your prayers are requested and greatly appreciated.


Anonymous said...

Sending lots of prayers upwards and lots of love and mental hugs your way.

Linda G said...

Thanks...could really used some his grace is sufficient unto this day or somthing like that, but still : (